Originally Posted by Miscguy
blah blah blah........ Sadly that is still less than it would have cost to park in a garage for the same period of time.
My favorite was when i had paid and they ticketed me anyway.
Dude, you're telling me you don't know the trick? Just stick an old ticket under your wiper and they'll think you got slammed already.....lol
Oh, and if you're in NYC, just place a brown paper M&M wrapper on your dash and you're good to go. The "M"eter "M"aids here wear "brown" so they think it's one of them and won't ticket you. Just don't park in a "Police Only" spot.....they tend to get pissed....lol
I did that once and they were yelling at me as i went to my car. They had a tow on the way but i beat the truck....lmao. I had to pay a $90 ticket but i lol'd in their faces because they were so pissed off. Best $90 i ever spent.