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**Official Annual X-mas thread **2007**
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Default **Official Annual X-mas thread **2007** - 12-10-2007, 06:50 PM

Ok, back by popular demand, the "What the fuck i got for x-mas" thread of 2007 is here.

Feel free to post the goods that you either bought yourself, given to you by a loved one, or just plain stolen !! Pics are always a good thing.....people love pics of stuff.

Well, as you all know, x-mas came a lil' early for me this year with the addition of the car. I did however, get myself another set of side view mirrors. I want to send them out to be painted the same color as my car. I'll save the original mirrors though. Also, my uncle is going to make me 1/4 window covers out of aluminum (just like the originals found on the '65-66 race shelbys) I'll send them out with the mirrors for the final touch. Pics to follow nigs.

The world is my urinal

Last edited by Arkan; 12-11-2007 at 05:23 PM..
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