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Forgotten Hope 2 released
mr.miyagi is Offline
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Thumbs up Forgotten Hope 2 released - 12-14-2007, 11:39 AM

Just thought I'd let you guys know if you didn't. FH2 is a WW2 mod for BF2 that has been worked on for the past 2 years, if you loved BF1942, you'll love this. Accurate weaponary, vehicles, planes, tanks, etc.... New models, sounds, statics, animations, maps, loads of stuff............even bayonettes!

You can download the client now and the password to unlock it is: #=->FH2-TorrentPass<-=#

Heres some links to the 1 gig client: - (this was fast for me, about 700kps)
Many more will crop up...


Server files also released.

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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