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Hit and run...then trip.
Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default Hit and run...then trip. - 12-16-2007, 10:00 PM

Let me start this off by saying I'm not a violent man. I never go around looking for fights or starting them or anything of the sort. Now with that disclaimer, on to the story.

We were at this sort of party / charity event at a roller rink. Real scene kid like, but was basically dragged there so whatever. Anywho at about 2 am everyone had a good amount to drink and things were getting testy. Thus a douche bag approaches. Apparently this guy, who's like 22 or 23, was sneaking underage girls booze in order to get em fucked and then fuck em. Well he tried it with my friends girlfriends sister and everyone had enough. We told the kid to just go away and not bother us or the girls anymore. Finally the staff at the rink saw this and escorted the kid away. About 20 minutes later, the kid comes back, this time with a friend. The friend was about 5'10 or so and about 150. Real skinny lil' fucker. The kid comes back is jawing away saying he's not going anywhere. Finally I step in and seperate my friend and the 2 douche bags. Well douche bag #2 didn't like this, so the little fucker runs up to me, punches me in the face then runs away. In true form, the douche trips and falls. I see this, realized I just got punched by some ninja or some shit throw down my beer, run at the kid jump on his ribs and proceed to lay into him with my right fist. I landed about 10-15 blows on his face and head till 4 of his friends try to jump me. By now, all hell has broken loose. My friends see this run on the 4 kids and a brawl of brawls starts. One kid, some Spanish looking gangster kid, see's the 4 kids try to jump me and starts taking out these kids by himself. I grab one fucker and starting working his kidneys to the point that his legs go out from underneath him and he goes down. After this, the staff runs outside and someone had called the cops. In true Dukes of Hazzard form, I jump into the window of my friends car, get our other drunk friend and tear ass out. In the end, we ended up taking out about 15 kids , just the five of us. Also, heard through the grapevine, I broke the kids nose that I laid into.

I must say that even though I don't get in fights that much, violence is fucking addicting. I forgot the rush it feels to just lay into some kid with your fist.
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