Thread: Finals?
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Default 12-22-2007, 09:47 AM

i just hate it when people dont have finals or take bs classes. i know someone who is an elementary education major, and she takes classes like "The Fundamentals of Adding and Subtracting" and "The Fundamentals of Multiplying and Dividing." As much as I respect teachers, we learned that shit in high school, why the hell are you paying 20k+ to be able to teach 8 year olds? if you are in college, you should learn things you could only learn in college. and im stuck taking two semesters of a 300 level chemistry class as a biology major that is required. its used as a weed out class for bio majors which i find complete bullshit, but whatever.

a good friend of mine was a tv production major, she is now working at a local tv station for a little more than minimum wage. she hates it. its a tough field to find a good job.

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