12-22-2007, 02:18 PM
i dunno know much about music majors except for the fact that coleman has to take 10 classes in one semester, but from what I know about pre-meds, they have to take really hard classes, in addition to the classes most other people take (English, history, etc.).
But instead of getting B's in those other classes, the pre-meds have to do well in them, since getting A's in the regular science classes is practically impossible. In addition, in order to get INTO a med. school, let alone a good one, pre-meds have to achieve at least a 3.5 GPA, on top of taking harder science classes. Couple this with research, labs, and volunteer jobs, the entire process of getting into a med. school is incredibly stressful.
Medicine, unlike some other majors, requires people to do well as you can't get into graduate school without doing extremely well. So, if you get into Princeton and get a 3.1 GPA in their pre-med program, you basically don't have much of a chance of getting into a med school compared with those who went to SuckADick Community College and got a 4.0 GPA.
I'm not saying Medicine is harder than any other major, as each major has its difficulties, but keep in mind there are very few majors that are as competitive in trying to get to the next level.