Originally Posted by RaNgeR
Coleman..participation*. This semester I went to almost every single one of my classes.

I skipped only 2 classes this semester. I was pretty proud of myself considering for every class you skip past 1 "freebie" your grade gets bumped down one FULL letter grade. Fuck that.
Yeah, I will not say my classes are harder or easier than a science major's classes. It's just impossible to compare. I can tell you a little about mine and see what I have experienced.
My friends are engineers and business majors. They stress out majorly for 3 days before a large exam and then party it up for 3 weeks until the next exam. I cannot do that at all. I leave my house every day at 7:30 and don't get back until 8 or 9 at night. I actually pack my lunch bc I'm too poor to buy stuff.
I have straight classes to 7pm usually with 1 hour break. And every single day, I have at least 1 type of assessment (quiz, exam, etc) for my classes. So I can't take a night and just not do anything because the next day I'm getting graded on something. it really gets stressful after a week.
And Blitz you're right, I do take a shitload of courses. They're all 1 and 2 credit classes that meet the same (if not more) than a normal 3 credit course. And for these classes, it requires hours of work outside of the classroom. Example, my piano class. I have to practice atleast 1 hour a day for that for a 1 credit class which has a possibility for a quiz every class period. If I fail piano, I can't move on in my major...there are kids that have been here for 6 years because they fail piano. Sad, but true. I had 12 classes this past semester.
So, i wouldn't necessarily say that my major is harder content from others. I would say that it requires the most time. It also isn't about HOW WELL or HOW MUCH you know about the material; it's about how well you can perform it or teach/convey it to others.
I think every major is hard in its own way (minus elementary ed majors like mentioned before ha). Literature majors may not have a bunch of finals, but I bet it's damn tough for them to find a job that would keep them happy or publish their own material in their future to keep them from eating easy-mac for the rest of their lives.