12-27-2007, 07:16 PM
Got my grades... A, B+,B, C+, C. Im fucking baffled...that C should be a B. and that B should be an A...I emailed my profs earlier today and got one back from my christianity prof. telling me he doesnt discuss grades online, but to come in when the semester talks to discuss the B. MAKES NO SENSE...77 on first exam, 92s on the next 2. I wrote 4 booklets, yes...4, on the final exam and knew my shit. I had 3 freebie days for the course I skipped. I checked knightvision (online gradebook for our school) about psych (the C), and I had a 79.96 in the class...I didnt enjoy it and will take the B for it...not a fucking C that kills my GPA.