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Default 12-31-2007, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by BlackJackal View Post
been meaning to see it looks so good. all the retarded reviews in newspapers and whatever said everything sucked except the girl playing the cynical popular "dylan" (kate blanchet? dunno her name)
That's because most people that write reviews for newspapers are either too expectant of the stupid shit that they're willing to watch and give good reviews, or they can't deal with any intellectual involvement in a film past "OMFG SHOOT DA BAD GUY WOOO GOOD GUYS WIN 5/5 STARS."

Maitland McDonagh is pretty much the only film critic I'm willing to listen to anymore. And yes, it's Cate Blanchett. She was the hot elf in Lord of the Rings.

EDIT: also just saw Deja Vu, which wasn't what I was expecting at all. Pretty decent film, and had some pretty cool original ideas in it.

Originally Posted by Arch
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