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Dynex 32" HDTV. . .Whoa
TGB! is Offline
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Default Dynex 32" HDTV. . .Whoa - 01-14-2008, 12:45 AM

To preface, I know nothing about HDTV's and QAM and AT-TUNERS and whatever else you technophiles jackoff to. All I know is the 8 year old television I had was working just fine and played my collection of white-people porn just fine thank you - however using the XBOX360 on it (still modded, still not banned) was becoming a problem - unreadable text, squishy graphics. When I started playing Mass Effect - a text heavy game, all this became very apparent. What to do - I'm cheap as hell, and if something works I'll use it until sparks come out.

However I saw this tv on sale at Best Buy, and really 450 is what I no doubt would spend this month on some bullshit, so I went and picked one up - sight unseen. Holy bejeebus is it fucking night and day with this thing. COD4 especially looks incredible, and I'm thinking about pulling out some older games to finish.

If you are in the market for a new tv, and don't want to have your asshole bleed by the raping that would no doubt happen with a SONY or a SAMSUNG, give Best Buys "store brand" a try - and of course be sure to get the 60-dollar 4-yr repair warranty.

Last edited by TGB!; 01-14-2008 at 12:45 AM..
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