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Default 01-17-2008, 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by TGB! View Post
Yanno, if I took those special steroids that allowed me to subsist on nothing but recycled newspaper and the anal-juice of the Canadian homeless - then I too might be able to prioritize and get some silly overpriced TV. Sadly, my testicles and dick are nice and healthy, and I have a Dynex. Boohoo for me.

On a side note - I never really played GoW before - but holy beejebus this game looks nice.
Until you have viewed an Aquos, you can really not say anything. Lets put this into terms you will understand.

-You just bought a Kodak EasyShare Camera. (Dycrap)

-A Sharp Aquos is a lovely NIkon DSLR.

The lifespan on that Aquos will DOUBLE the life of the Dycrap, Give you a picture to die for, have more in's and outs... better build quality.. yadda yadda yadda. And to boot, I have seen 32 inch modles only about 200 $ more then yours. .

If you were looking for a good deal, you should have looked at a Viewsonic. BEST bang for your buck LCD's on the market.
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