01-20-2008, 01:18 AM
Congratulations. You just compared apples to oranges. Kodak - to the best of my knowledge - doesn't make a dSLR. For an APT comparison, you should have compared a Pentax to a Nikon - both of which will get the job done and take fantastic pictures - while one sacrifices features and build quality. If this TV last long enough for HDTV's to drop into the sub 300/200 area for 32inchers - itll be a win in my column.
Look son - don't be cross now; if you wan't to spend oodles of cash on "name brand" and assure yourself it really WAS worth all that - be my guest. I paid 450 bucks for a cheap ass HDTV that has performed quite spectacularly for what it is used for (gaming and hd downloads) and will pocket that extra change and buy myself a Jenna Jameson rubber pussy or something.