Thread: Super Bowl
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Unknown_Sniper is Offline
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Default 02-04-2008, 11:37 PM

How the fuck are you able to say he wasn't at all good this year based on one bad performance out of 19? Leading his team to a near flawless season. He threw 50 touchdowns this season with only 8 int and had a QB rating of 117.2 where as Eli had a rating of only 73.9. Regardless of what he may have told everyone he was obviously playing with a bad ankle, he was off his game this time and I'm sure getting fucked up a couple of times due to sacks didn't help him at all.
Fact of the matter is, the 2007 pats are one of, if not the best team to ever play together in the NFL. 1 loss doesn't mean shit besides they didn't get that 19-0 score we all hoped they would. They did however have a flawless normal season, and an amazing post-season. Also if I remember correctly, and I do, They beat the Giants twice this year(8/30, 1/29).
One day you may actually make sense on accident. This isn't that time.

P.S. Spell check will help you seem just a little less ignorant.
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