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Default 02-17-2008, 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by Coleman View Post
The Great Debaters

It was alright. Denzel was the only thing that saved it for me.

Starring Denzel Washington and Forrest Whitaker.....and a kid called Denzel Whitaker.

I shit you not.

Movies I've watched recently:

Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster
- Not bad, Im not a huge fan by any means - but this seems like it really gets to the core of the band without even detailing too much of their history - Simply by highlighting recent inner-squabbling. James Hetfield seems like a bit of a fucking tosser, who has no control of his emotions. Lars Ulrich came off as a lost soul that had grown tired and a little bitter of sitting 2nd to Hetfield. Kirk Hammond was the only guy who came out looking like a decent bloke that still seemed to have his shit together.
The meeting with Dave Mustaine was intense, and was probably the most fascinating part of the doco. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

Bad Lieutenant
- Harvey Kietel jacking off while commanding a poor young girl to make dick-sucking lip movements during a routine stop in downtown NYC was simply stunning. lul.
Pretty average flick about a corrupted cop, dealing with his demons.
5.5 Out of 10

Taxi Driver
- I've seen this movie soo many times and it still to me is one of, if not, the greatest film of all-time. Everything is perfect....Great flick.
9.5 Out of 10

No Country For Old Men
- Wasn't really in the mood when I threw this one on, but I sat through it - Overall a well made good movie, I think I would've enjoyed it more on the big screen with a less corruptable attention span - Javier Bardem is incredible as the cold-blooded killer. Really good actor. 7.5 out of 10.

Walk Hard
- Pretty lols, I really like John C Reilly, he'd proved himself as a versatile and amazing dramatic actor - and now as a capable comedian who can hold a film as the lead. Maybe if the parody topic was less obvious I would have enjoyed this more, but I felt like it was missing something that wasn't anything to do with Reilly's performance - because he had all the laughs. I think he'd do a better job in a more original type of comedy instead of what felt like Will Ferrell leftovers.
7 out of 10
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