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Default 02-24-2008, 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan View Post
Fuck.....and i just bought the video.

Did Rob Zombies "Halloween Uncut" suck also?

As far as "zombie" movies goes, 28 Weeks is pretty good - The opening scene is one of the best and most intense intros i've seen in a thriller/horror. I've seen waaaaaaaaay worse. I'd give it a 6.8/10 personally, maybe even a little bit more.

I think what pisses people off about the movie is the largely unknown cast of unfamiliar faces (Robert Carlyle being the exception - but he'd probably only be familiar to brit/commonwealth audiences), they had the budget and the position to hire some bigger names than they did.

Rob Zombies version of Halloween was fucking cool if you ask me. The theatrical version was embarrasing and not worth a dime, but his version is really quite good. I liked it better than any other horror remake of recent (except the Dawn Of The Dead remake)....Malcolm Macdowell fills in for Donald Pleasance nicely, im not sure about the casting of some of the female leads though, they have the little girl from the weak halloween sequels now playing a teenager which is pretty cool to see, she's sexy nowadays.
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