Originally Posted by Tripper
so you admit youre a wigger -
lol im the one wasting time, it might not be worth much but at least i have some online buddies to show for my time here - you've got nothing accept pure hatred the entire time you've been here. talk about wasting time.
p.s - no class. if you had any you could be the prick you are and still have people like you despite.
I do have buddies for my time here...it's all part of the community...one you have almost the most reason for it dying. We need everything, but some people don't know moderation. Moderatly bug people an dmoderatly tolerate them...totally shit on them...and you kill it.
im the prick? hell...from all the people Ive seen in these boards, the only one to come close to being a prick is you. I'm just defensive.