Originally Posted by Tripper
I 100% agree with both of you, funny thing is - He'll still try and play it as though he's "won" something here. Typical refuse to lose attitude of an internet attention whore.
He's got a fucking peter pan nerd attitude. I bet he rocks around in NB cross trainers, track suit pants, and a huge tommy hillfiger t-shirt with blonde highlights to show-off his worldy knowledge of fashion and up-to-date perception of the world based on his "different" internet attitude.
Reading some of these posts now, it's fucking creepy. You talk about what you've gained from this forum like there was ever anything to take in the first place. Many of your posts recently are all about what we take from the forum community, and who gets more than others(e-buddies or otherwise). It's so weird, it's like it's morphed into e-cult. No wonder there's nothing left. Just the remaining sheep and the tattered remains of a frail-minded foreigner's diction.