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Default 03-03-2008, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper View Post
Lol, Proteus - I didn't kill anything. This forum has been "dead" for the past 5 years.

....and would people stop bringing up IRC, because that's been dead for almost as long.
You're just trying anything and everything now to avoid "losing" the argument. You can't poke any holes in my logic, because out of the two of us, I'm the only one thinking logically, you're just sour now and its obvious because you're reaching.

I don't insult anyone except the obviously hated people - I didn't like Judas very much and Gerv was too grumpy for me when he was here but I didn't say shit about it or provoke them or try and insult them - basically because I knew they had alot of friends here and this place benefitted from having them around. You, on the other hand...

For the record, I started hating you when I noticed you were doing the exact thing you're trying to claim I'm doing. You acted like a little fucking know-it-all toad in the sig forum for years....and you were a fucking asshole troll to more new people off the bat than I ever was. You really have no place in saying any of this shit because you were worse than me. I picked my targets according to general forum opinion. You were just a whiney little wank. Alot of my arguments with you had been defending people you randomly flamed....

I don't hassle anyone except the globally regarded wanks. Any new people are welcomed with open arms. You're making up stuff, people don't come here because its a random game forum among a billion other more successful ones. Not because of the way they're treated.

Continue avoiding the truth, and trying to turn the argument though, it just allows me to elaborate further on why you are a moron....
real truth

nobody comes here anymore because this site has an identity crisis, this place has little to do with videogames anymore, then why not advertise an offtopic community? or perhaps instead of people like gerv writing huge rants about video games in the forum, why not write some articles for the front page? some game reviews? theres no member contribution really.. other than just posting on the forums..personally i dont have the time to participate in updating the site, and im guessing this is the case with other members.. it was bound to happen



Last edited by strvs; 03-03-2008 at 08:47 PM..
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