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Default 03-05-2008, 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by Chronic Diarrhea View Post
I liked that ending OK, but it doesn't make much sense with some earlier scenes in the movie.

*Spoiler Alerts!!!!*

Remember when Will Smith is marking down a new journal entry, and he talks about how the zombies have lost ALL semblance of human behavior? That would mean that main zombie would have never stopped at getting to Smith, and wouldn't have recognized his (prior) wife/girlfriend. Unless he was somehow the last remaining member of his species that still had some human characteristics left.

I guess it's pointless to debate any plot holes in a sci-fi film, because you aren't supposed to ask questions. Regardless, a vaccine still wouldn't completely restore the infected back to their original human form. As in 28 Weeks Later, even those who carry a resistance to the virus still aren't completely human.
Smith wrote that down in the journal after he saw the big zombie guy run into the light after the girl zombie he captured. He mistook trying to save the other zombie as a sign of aggression and stupidity when it was actually a sign of compassion and the need to save a love.
Let's also not forget the traps the big zombie set for Smith throughout the rest of the film, the mannequin being the big one. Using a familiar face to lure smith away from safety and into a dangerous situation. This shows intelligence and well as the ability to predict someone else's thoughts.
There is also the fact that the big zombie sends wave after wave of lesser zombies to attack smiths house. They listen to his commands and he even directs some of them to strategic weak points on the house.
These aren't really zombies so much as a mutants with only slightly less brain power or even the same amount but a more aggressive mentality with mutations in physical nature.
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