Thread: BF1942-LMAO!!!!
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wintersforge is Offline
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Default BF1942-LMAO!!!! - 10-01-2002, 08:06 AM

i was playing last nite on pub server. one of the EA servers. the map was Wake island? or Midway? Anyway i was using scout class and spotting for artillery. im watching the shell pounding the allied spawn was taking and saw some of the funniest explosive deaths. guys running for the outskirts of the island, bunched together, hit by a shell, blown 30 ft into the air over the edge of the cliff into the water. i was laughing so hard. evil: ive seen and been part of some of the craziest deaths by shellings and tank blasts. its pretty damn funny....i was laughing to hard to get a screen shot.... oOo:
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