03-08-2008, 08:16 AM
Hey guys sorry about my tardiness.
The site is here for all of you, BS passed it on to me or I asked BS to pass it on so I could keep it alive for all of you.
No ones going to hurt my feelings if they want the site gone, everything will be backed up and saved. Everyone knows where and or how to get in touch with me.
As for the site, other then the vB license and theme (one or two I forgot) it does not cost me anything to host.- and some of you donated to help cover part of that cost.
It's on the same server as my personal site and FPSadmin, so as long as FPSadmin is around and the sponsors help cover that cost these forums will be here.
Just for the facts, other then news I don't post much in the forums over there (FPSadmin) either. - just don't have the time.
I had high hopes for the site but like Gerv mentioned EA helped drive that idea into the ground rather quickly.
BS still has not transfered the AA.com domain to me, even after I paid for an additional year for him but I know he had some issues with the domain company.
Other then Porn, sorry guys. it's your call.
Then there is the archive idea, close the site but keep it open for anyone to search it.