03-09-2008, 02:35 PM
Yeah, gotta give props to Rude for picking up this site from the dumpster.
Nyck hit the nail on the head. We lost a lot of members due to a thing called "Life". (TGB, Milla, Judas, Maple, Art,....etc) **i know Milla posted today** but you get the idea.
If we never lost members like that, this place wouldn't seem so dead. We just need a kick in the nuts to get it going again. I really don't care what you guys think but....it's like watching family/friends grow. I remember when some of you peanuts were dreaming of pussy. Now some of you are actually getting some!!
Soon, you'll watch guys like me, Nyck, and JohnJ walking with fucking canes. Think we're nasty now?......lol
The world is my urinal