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Default 03-12-2008, 05:23 AM

blegh, i'm getting tired of the Wii, all Nintendo does is reproducing new games...with "better" graphics.

srsly, my younger bro has a Wii, recently bought Mario Kart Wii, whats up with that...
so now you have like :
mario kart ds
mario kart 64
mario kart DD (gc)
mario kart super circuit
super mario kart
mario kart Wii

it's like, the fucking same game! really pissed me off

also, what the fuck is up with Nintendo, the games they produce for the Wii... fucking mini games most of the time!
and what i really hate the most is the fucking controller! okay, i admit. it was pretty amusing ( for the first 2-3 hours).
i keep hating the Wii unless they make a game called Bukkake Frenzy or Slap Yer Wife.

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