2nd Amendment....opinions? -
03-18-2008, 09:12 PM
Ok, this is geared more towards people LIVING in the US, but you "outsiders" are welcome to join in.
How do you feel about the 2nd Amendment? Is it an "individual right" or a "Collective right" to bear arms?
I feel as if the founding fathers meant it as an "Individual right" to bear arms. This is a touchy subject to "anti gunners" as well as "pro-gunners". Washington DC took it upon themselves to out right ban all guns back in 1976 due to the high murder rate. They thought by banning guns, they would cure their crime rate. Well, it may work in theory but, out of all the crimes committed with "firearms", what is the percentage committed by "law abiding" citizens? Meaning, those who "legally" purchased their firearms? I'm betting it's less than 2%.
Anyway, back to DC......they STILL have the highest murder rate in the entire fucking country!! Why?....well, simply because, only the fucking criminals have guns!!!
I'm thinking, if you give citizens their rights back, the murder rate will drop across the country. At least a potential victim will be able to fight back.
Oh, and for all you Pyros of the world, the guns are already here. We can't simply make them go away. We have well over several million in this country so we have to address that. If we took all the guns away from the law abiding, what's left? Only the criminals and cops would have guns leaving the rest of us "fucked".
Screw that, i want to be able to protect me and what's mine.
The world is my urinal