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Default 03-19-2008, 07:09 PM

My opinion is if the government tries to take away our guns there will be a big uproar. I dont per say live in an area that i need to protect myself from other people, but due to the fact that i live in a very rural area with livestock of sorts having a gun to protect them should the need arise is necessary. Im not one to hunt but i do enjoy the sport of shooting at a target, clay pigeon or a paper target. Would i shoot someone would tried to harm me or my family, without a second thought.

Going to arkans comment about 'unstable people,' he's pretty much nailed the issue on the head, with a few exceptions. Yes its the emotionally unstable people that shouldnt weeld a gun, or those that have know psychiatric problems ie anti-social personality disorder, sociopath. Though anyone, previously labled stable or not can snap under severe circumstances, the people with these disorders are know to snap very easily and these are the disorders you often find people having who are serial murderers, assault-rapists etc. then again thats like labeling a person a criminal even if they have never commited any crime prior. I say the government spend less on the 'drug' war and more on the gun war, taking down black market dealers. at the same time the likelihood is theyd take down drug dealers as well

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