Originally Posted by elst=atec
guns are retarded. and the right to own a gun is retarded even though i believe in freedom todo what you want. guns = problems. so if guns are illegal then there will be less guns around to cause such problems even if those bad guys would always be able to obtain them, because most of those weekly school shootings you get out there seem to be legally obtained.
By that same logic we should ban video games and violent music, since many people think video games cause problems. We should also ban alcohol, since many people who drink also drive drunk, and that's dangerous. Let's ban sex too, because far more people die from STDs than homicides with a firearm every year.
We shouldn't have to live in a country where our government feels the need to hold our hands from cradle to grave.
BTW, many school shooting incidents come from weapons that were done on a straw purchase, which is buying it indirectly through 1 or more people and it's illegal. Columbine was a straw purchase.