Originally Posted by Chronic Diarrhea
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold made bombs, and they did not detonate Although I see your point about defending yourself against a bomb, it's not the preferred method. Most people are too stupid to make anything, much less a bomb that requires some knowledge of chemistry and mechanics. Gun shootings are far easier, so it's not a pointless argument to say that lives could have been saved. VT killings would have likely been reduced to 3-4 if there had been one person with a CCL in that classroom.
I agree with someone at VT being armed that may have prevented some of those tragic deaths. I wonder how many people realize that the gunman in the recent Israel school shooting was stopped by a student/staff member with a gun and NOT an Israeli commando/policeman which was reported on the news. We can't have that info flying around here in the US because it would back up the idea of letting students CCW on campus.
If the general public is uncomfortable with 21 yr olds carrying a weapon in school, why not raise the age limit to 23 or 24 for CCW on campus? Hell, we have no problems giving 18 yr old "kids" rifles and guns and shipping them over seas to do battle so why not allow them to CCW on campus when they reach a certain age?
I wonder if the "University of Utah" has any problems with violence against students. I'm betting you won't see another VT incident there.