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Default 04-13-2008, 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by geRV View Post
As usual theres more holes in your argument than a fishing net. You're essentially saying national games are pushed on people when theyre younger (hockey for canadians and football for brits being the examples). Then if thats the case why is football the #1 globally played game by far? Football is not the national game of every country in the world or even close to it..yet its by far the most played?

And who the fuck cares if all you ned to play "soccer" is a ball? That makes it far more accessable and have more of an appeal. Not every parent can go and buy all the hockey gear just because their child develops a passing interest in something that he may not bother with 6 months down the line.

You just have to go to a celtic or liverpool game to hear the crowd burst into "you'll never walk alone" and you'll know it something that no other sport can give.
Spot on post!!

I was 'pushed' into football (liverpool infact) from a young age, I actually wasnt that keen until I became older and more mature. The moment that actually tuned me into the avid fan I am today is when I went to a match - its one of the most fantastic feelings; being in an atmosphere of a liverpool match with everyone singing 'You'll never walk alone'. I mean shit, you only need to go to my local liverpool supporters pub to witness this kind of atmosphere!!

I totally agree with the cost of it - Once I have kids - i'd much rather spend £20 on a football than £200 on hockey/ american football gear or kit for most other sports for that matter only for me having to fork out another £200 6 months later as my kid has grown out of it.

Football/Soccor is a worldwide sport, you still havent given a 'legitimate' reason why this sport is so popular, apart from that its 'cheap' and forced on people - which of course are irelevant posts anyway.

Last edited by Poseidon; 04-13-2008 at 12:03 PM..
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