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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 04-26-2008, 10:47 AM

If you didn't like GTA: San Andreas or Vice City - you are not going to like this game. If you loved the previous two, you are going to be in hog fucking heaven. A lot of people are complaining its just the last two games with a graphical overhaul, and thats true - but like any sandbox game they just refined what they did before: Vice City was better than GTAIII, and SA improved on both of them.

The cover system is good to. Its not Gears Of War good, but it at least adds some "tactic" to the game other than just guns blazing (although its a little suspect that one can just hide behind hospital chairs and not get the shit shot out of him).

Also - the game is 100% funnier and better acted than SA (which I thought was awesome for its story): Niko is fucking hilarious, and so is Roman. The Rasta-Men you meet in the beginning of the game. . .make sure to pull out a Rasta to English dictionary or turn on subtitles.

Basically - its awesome.
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