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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 04-28-2008, 12:38 AM

I havent seen any of that shit. Something tells me thats a bunch of haters hatchet-jobbing that. Seriously, if you see any pop-up in this game, you're actively looking for it. 18HRS in and I haven't seen anything that even comes close to that.

Really, once you get to the second island, and see Star Junction in the rain and a thunderstorm - you appreciate just what next-gen sandbox games are SUPPOSED to look like (fucking CRACKDOWN).

Seriously that screen has to be like an early beta bullshit or something. The only weird graphical bullshit I've seen is one character model (I think you'll see it when you get to him) looks like something between PS2 and PS3 - its hella weird and you can almost tell all his polygons aren't there. It comes during a story mission, and the guy looks very angular compared to everyone else.

Oh and really - this game is fucking ridiculous. Something I have noticed though, is that some of that characters "move" like they do in old GTA's. Like the same kind of getting into the car animation or how they move when a car door is locked (of course now Niko just kicks, elbows or smashes it in with a gun). But really, if anyone is complaining about this game they are doing so only because they want to be fucking contrary. I can not wait to play multiplayer in this shit. Some of these areas are designed with the care that you might see in a COD or HALO (no fuck HALO) map. Yusif's construction site for instance is going to be a major battlezone I'm thinking.

Word of advice thats not a spoiler, do Playboy X's first mission AS SOON as you get it. Make your life easier.

Last edited by TGB!; 04-28-2008 at 12:42 AM..
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