Thread: Indiana Jones
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Indiana Jones
9mm BeRetTa is Offline
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Default Indiana Jones - 05-22-2008, 09:50 PM

Anyone else see it?

Saw it last night... The plan was to see another movie, but missed it and the only movie left was Indiana Jones @ 1201.

Anyways... with all the hype it's been getting, it was a decent flick. Other than this new one, I think I've only seen Raiders of the Lost Ark and that was probably about 10 years ago, so I really can't make too many comparisons to older films. Had more sci-fi elements then I was expecting though. All in all I'd give it a 7.5/10, Ford was pretty good in it even though he's 65. Some good action scenes, and some light humor in there as well. Thought it was worth the ticket price...
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