Thread: iPhone madness
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iPhone madness
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Default iPhone madness - 06-09-2008, 09:34 PM

So it was a big day for news about the new 3G iPhone. Anyone thinking about getting one?

It's still just 8gig and 16gig with no MMS, no video calls (I was wishing for that with the 3G capabilities), no copy and paste still, no updated camera from the old 2MP, still no form of SD slots, no vibration touch confirmation for the screen, no turn by turn GPS in the new GPS capabilities.

Some major and minor things in that list that irk me. I might purchase it though for $199 for the 8gig model come July 11th. I already have my zune 80gig for music and videos that I just love. So I don't see myself needing so much space on my phone.

Thoughts? Will Steve Jobs take over the world?

Gizmodo Coverage

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