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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 10-01-2002, 11:41 PM

Sorry to hear that Judas. I use ASE to connect and find it with no problem - I mean if I have to re-add it to favorites (and I have a couple times). I say try the IP.

BTW, pm me and I'll give you priveledged access. evil:

M@D, I've actually noticed that when I change it to OBJ no one shows up except a small number of people. If you show up, I'll switch it over. Although when we start running the custom maps, we'll probably play a lot more OBJ. Specifically Caen by MTV. That map looks AWESOME!

Colonel, thanks! I'm glad you had a good time. It was a lot of fun with you, Heat, Doc and Timmay tonight on TS. We really kicked some butt that way. evil:
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