I was the biggest mac basher of all time until Apple released an intel based machine.
So today I have
MBP 15"
24"iMac 3.06
13"Macbook - just picked this up for my oldest daughter
QX6850 main PC box for gaming - running xp
3 1U dual core PCs for network stuff around the house
x6800 running vista (daughters second box)
1 XP laptop (work)
1 XP laptop (wife)
P4 EE 3.04 vista (youngest daughter)
1 XP 15.4" laptop XP (located in the garage for quick googling when working on the car or truck)
All in all if it was not for gaming, I would be 100% mac only. Reason being it's both well written and has linux under the hood.
Now if you asked me to compare xp vs vista, I hate vista wth a passion. I have more issues with the vista boxes in the house (all updated to the latest sp) all running on very fast hardware including graphics cards.
TBH I'm trying to move all the kids and wife to mac. Makes my job of home IT manager much much easier.
Still need my PC based hardware to play games