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Default 08-13-2008, 06:39 AM

I work in IT, my IT manager has recently converted to a 24" Imac. His PC is now on the edge of his desk, which he rarely uses. He was very juvious about Mac's initially, but was forced to look into Mac/ Active Directory integration (due to our media dept expanding). So he bought a mac and hasnt looked back since. That was from someone who hated apple with a passion!

Originally Posted by 1080jibber View Post
Does anyone else get lost in control panel?
As for Mac's, they are too expensive, if they where the same price as regular PC's then I would probably own one. But until that day comes I guess I will have to stick with PC's
First thing I did when I got my laptop with vista on what flick the control panel to 'Classic View'. I find it much more manageable, have you tried this view?
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