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I REALLY hate Johnny Cochrane...
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Default I REALLY hate Johnny Cochrane... - 10-02-2002, 08:23 AM


Read this: couldn't finish reading it because it made me sick. This jerk off has nothing better to do than cry the blues about something as ridiculous as this. What more does he want? Is he looking for an entire black league? He claims he isn't doing it for money. This is as dumb as that other fool Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton bitching about that comedy Barbershop with Ice-Cube. WTF is the big deal that there are more white coaches in the NFL than blacks, or as 'ole Johnny likes to say, minorities. I am so furious with this racist, despicable, money hungry jit rag. Johnny Cochrane, Jesses Jackson and Al Sharpton NEED to get a fu<king grip, and just go, go to the moon and stay there, or live in a fu<king submarine and stay at the bottom of the ocean, and while they're at it, they can take the entire ABC sports broadcasting team because they blow too...
Had to get that off my chest...Does anyone else agree with me?
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