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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 09-24-2008, 02:13 PM

LOL, I logged on to post this and it's already up.

We've been laughing at the random shit in each picture on Vent for the past 30 minutes now. A few things:

-Logitech mouse on shitface computer

-Ironing board, wtf

-Lady took the time to organize her garbage, but never threw it out

-We've concluded that shit on the bathroom floor isn't moldy toilet paper or menstrual pads, but the remains of her body

-the ooze coming from the toilet are her dead cats she tried to flush out

-She starts ordering from restaurants so she can use the large bags to shit in (Chili's sack)

-What the fuck is in that blue bucket?!?

-Shiny shower curtains. She must have put them up, what, 30 seconds prior to those pictures being taken?

-There's ice in one of the cups. Her rotten corpse can't be too far...

-Oral-B toothbrush lolwut

-There's ONE Taco Bell cup in the midst of the 1000 Whataburger and McDonald's bags.

There's a ton of other Where's Waldo type games going on right now on our vent channel. Now we're just waiting for the epic photoshops.
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