10-02-2002, 05:50 PM
As this is the first game I've played online I don't have the knowlege of the history of online gaming that the rest of you have. But I also think that the MOH series has been a huge money maker for EA and I wouldn't be surprised if they are already working on a next generation version of it. It's quite apparent when you crank up a game browser and see 7 or 800 servers running and 7 or 8 thousand peeps playing that there's still a whole lot of interest and most of us are going to get the exp. pack so I don't think we will lose too many when the servers switch. I would like to see EA concenrate more on the PC version rather than the console versions which I'm hoping they do because they can certinely see the continued interest in the game.
The jury is still out on 1942 for me , I haven't played it enough to form an opinion yet. But I do know that it hasn't reached out and grabbed me the way MOHAA did.