Originally Posted by "Low spark":2c110
Welcome to America, where everyone is free to feel unequal to someone else. We live in a country that almost every elected offical is a white male. You expect equal rights?? I don't think so. Affirmative Action should have been a good thing that would help people of all races become part of the mythical American Middle Class. But the white men in charge made sure that we didn't see the postive thing that were happening, but the sure as hell could show us the negitive side.
And whose at fault? The poor that can't get a decent education, after all it's their fault for being poor, if they can't make it in America then they shouldn't be here. Heck let's not even bother wasting money on schools in poor non-white neighborhoods, lets just build more prisons.
I like that.....blame the upper class white neighborhoods for oppressing the poor "non" white ones. Now that really makes a ton of sense. Hey, did you take the time to read my earlier post?? I too came from a poor, mostly "non" white neighborhood and i didn't cry foul! I went to the same public schools that were afforded the so called minorities....and guess what?, i did myself and society a favor by getting a job.
I also have a good friend who grew up in the projects in the Bronx and he took advantage of the public school system and the military.....all things which the minority community has easy access to, so i don't want to hear about the poor being at a disadvantage. Thats bullshit because me, as well as my friend, are living proof.
Hey CO791 you're right, it's a good thing we have prisons......keeps criminals off the streets and puts others to work!!
With that said, i'm off to look for the "white men in charge" !![/quote:2c110]
And the ones that didn't make it out they're living proof of what?