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Now Tony Dungy is getting in on it...
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Default Now Tony Dungy is getting in on it... - 10-03-2002, 08:20 AM

Cochran proposed rewarding teams with an extra draft pick for "diversifying'' their front office and penalizing teams by forfeiting a draft pick if they do not interview minority candidates for head coaching, coordinator or assistant coaching positions

With each passing moment, I get more angry. Penalize a team a fucking draft pick!? WTF? You know, we are better off with a white president, because if there were a black in office LIKE Johnny Cochrane, this country would crumble in a matter of days. Just like Joe Clark from the movie Lean on Me said, "I don't want you to blame your parents, I don't want you to blame the white man, I want you to blame yourselves. The responsibility is yours!"...Can you imagine if a WHITE attorney threatened to sue something because of lack of white skin? He would have to start looking for a new career almost immediately. Mind boggling. And now Tony Dungy is starting in on it. I'm a HUGE fucking Colts fan, and was extremely happy with the hiring of Tony Dungy but, Dungy should worry about his own problems, like bettering his defense and NOT worry about other teams hiring black coaches. What's next? Some Pro-Black-Racist bastard complaining that hockey is not promoting black athletes? I can see that happening. It's only a matter of time before the NHL is targeted for discrimination.
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