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Skinpacks not working serverside ???
Benman is Offline
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Default Skinpacks not working serverside ??? - 10-04-2002, 07:31 AM

We tried to use that 122skinpack serverside. Well, it even worked for those that had the skinpack on their pc also. Only problem that occured is that when someone joins the server and does not have that 122skinpack on his/her pc, they see axis running around in allies-skins and other way around. oOo:

Anyone have an idea how to overcome this ?? Please dont tell me that all users need to have that 122skinpack installed, cause that's too easy, hehe. biggrin:

I just think it works for standaard skins, so why not with customskins. Must be a glitch in the skinpack, so user's pc dont know what to show when it gets a skin"command" from serverside.
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