Thread: The latest spin
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The latest spin
priest39 is Offline
Posts: 66
Join Date: Aug 2002
Default The latest spin - 10-04-2002, 10:09 AM

Am I the only one groaning and rolling my eyes at the latest bit put out by EA?
I must admit that I stopped salivating over the anticipation of an expansion pack a while ago, and am now just waiting to see what makes the final cut.
EA had promised a lot of things with Allied Assault that left you scratching your head and wondering what happened to it between them and you.
I scoff because after reading this lateset bit, I'm left wondering what they are going leave out this time. They aren't even mentioning the SDK, and
Cooperative multiplay is a pipedream. Instead we are getting the Tug of War map (ok? It's new and good, but just not high on my list), and a server filter, (what???? something that could be done by GS, ASE, or my brain in the current version. Know your favorites or write them down like everyone else.) Oh, oh, oh, they're giving us realism and speed boost! Uhhh, right.
What the hell are they wasting time on that for? We have realism mods up the yinyang! You can't throw a mouse without hitting one. Same with speed mods, and just about everything else. I thought it was supposed to be that way from the start! They payed that Capt. Dale guy to make it "real". What the heck happened to that action? Why would they have to put in "realism" now?

So basically, this is how I'm beginning to see it. EA in a bold, but disappointing move, has looked at what the community has done, taken as much as they could, and taken ten months to package it up real purty and dish it out to us for $30.
They are using the modders of this community to make a buck. "Oh, see, it's a map contest. We may or may not give you credit, but you'll have bragging rights, ok?"
So out with the expansion and it's few new weapons. With it's new maps that you the community made, with it's mods that you made. Out with the money that you make to pay for the stuff that you made. What a sham.
I doubt very highly that we'll see an SDK. I'm quite sure that the only innovation that we'll see is from Scorpio and the other modders of this community.
And we'll still pay. I'm a sucker. You know you are. We're like a bunch of Charlie Brown's thinking, "She can't pull that football away again, she's done it a thousand time's, she's got to hold it this time, please,please, please."

So go ahead and prove me wrong EA. I know you won't, but it would be nice. bigzooka: EA
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