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Realism: Rant & Rave
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Default Realism: Rant & Rave - 10-04-2002, 02:19 PM

I feel like posting my current thoughts on realism mods. I'm going to concentrate on the 2 biggest ones I know by name. Here we go...

First, the bad. Specifically, Ares5. I'm not quite sure why this was ever made. My biggest complaint with it is the recoil effects, which are, well, stupid. What kind of incompetent moron fires a gun without at least attempting to compensate for recoil? The fact that every shot causes more and more muzzle climb without bringing it down a bit makes MG's and SMG's basically unplayable. The whole point of those guns is to put out a lot of lead quickly. Sure, they do sacrifice some accuracy for that, but you should at least be able to aim at your target. Even rifles (especially if you're unloading the Garand as fast as you can) are affected to the point where playing with them is pointless. I think this mod is a disgrace to the term "realism".

Now, for the good. (I'm sure somebody here will be pleased by this.) CKR. Quite simply, playing on a server running CKR is usually more fun for me than playing on a mod-less server. The fact that you don't have to empty half of your magazine to kill one guy makes the game that much more fast paced and enjoyable. Also, I've recently discovered the joy of using rifles. I've found over the past couple days that people (me) using rifles at average range get some incredible scores. This becomes even better on CKR servers.

Of course, this goes both ways. So, you also die a lot. Still, as long as you're not getting repeatedly spawn killed or otherwise being killed in a cheap fashion, the effect is positive overall.

Just my two cents.
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