Thread: The latest spin
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priest39 is Offline
Posts: 66
Join Date: Aug 2002
Default 10-04-2002, 03:29 PM

I hope nobody gets me wrong in this and thinks that I'm saying to give up on MOH. I think it's the greatest game of it's genre despite EA's poor efforts. I'll get the exp. as soon as it comes out, by hook or by crook. I'm just saying that I'll be looking to Scorpio, CrowKing, and all those Modders out there to keep the game alive. How long before one of these guys crack the source code?
I was also trying to point out the irony of the fact that the blokes who have maps in the pack will have to pay for their own material. If you've posted or emailed or modded, you're paying for your own work.
I got the feeling from that article that EA has just taken the work of others, dusted it off and polished it up, only to sell it back to the people they took it from.
Much more of that behavior and they'll sink to the status of lawyers in my opinion, (okay, say the ones that file suits sueing the fast food industry for making someone obese. Or did you hear the one of the sex offender who fled, was captured, then sued the sheriff's dept. for the two toes he lost to frostbite because, "they failed to find him in a timely manner". But I digress,)
EA's already on par with politicians in my book, and the whole lot isn't fit to lick my jakes out. So there.

(Crosses arm and remains rooted to soapbox)
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