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It bothers me, but hey, it's War
iceberger is Offline
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Default It bothers me, but hey, it's War - 10-04-2002, 09:06 PM

I don't like to see so many people use shot guns and rockets. Sometimes, too many of them will ruin the game for us. However, I have no problem with it in a sense that it's a war game. During the war, all these weapons were used. Plus, MOHAA is a great war game for people to use weapons like shot guns and rockets. It's fun, and can help get a big score really fast.

Here's what i do. When i'm tired of seeing so many shotties and rocket mans, I go to servers with realism on. People barely use these two weapons on those servers mainly because they can't possibly win with what they get. That's why i love realism. It's real. hehe. anyway, see you guys around.
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