I sent the map off to mark lastnight.
He is going to test out his new server and compile it.
I wouldnt worry too much about snipers.
Yes there are a lot of sniping areas, but not everyone plays as snipers.
plus there are many areas to get cover.
If your positioned in the fox hole. its really hard for a sniper to see you from across the map.
Besides. snipers job is to give cover while troops can push forward.
the map can change shape or form depending on how the test comes out.
If sniping seems to be a problem in areas. then corrections will be made.
The first beta version will be released to anyone who wants to help test it.
All you need to do is send me and e-mail saying you want to help test it..
and thats all I need. your name wil be added and soon as map is ready. you will recieve an email with the link for download.
So send them in here: