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"Day of Days" Mappers wanted!
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Default "Day of Days" Mappers wanted! - 10-06-2002, 06:33 PM

Last night...

I was watching band of brothers Part 2 "Day of Days" And when I got to the part where they have to disable the cannons fireing onto the beaches I thought, "Hey that would be cool to make a replica of this battle and turn it into an objective map!... too bad somebody hasnt already done it, damn.." I dont know what I was thinking at the time to make me froget I am a Mapper but a couple mins later I broke out the Pad of paper and started listing ideas based on B.O.B. These are the ideas that I came up with:

- map starts at farm where they regroup (HQ)
- long hedgerows
- garden/farm (the garden/farm that they walk through b4 combat)
- 2 or 3 objectives To Disable the cannons firing on the beaches and find the map that shows "every gun in Normandy"
- Trenches
- MG pits

--- I havent started on it --

I have the mapping skills to do this but I would like it more that if somebody could "comap" with me. I know this a big task but I am in no rush whatsoever as of this time I am COMMITED to this map! The person must meet these specifications

- experenced mapper
- use this forum
- has MSN or Yahoo messanger
- is willing to scrafice time twards map
- has a copertave attitude
- COMMITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANT ANYBODY BAILING ON ME!

If we stick together I think we could actually pull this off!

If anybody has ideas/suggestions or sounds interested PLEASE tell me

Well im off to study B.O.B for the 6th time LOL


fire2: angel: M16:
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