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Help !!!!! I literally get stuck on the game....
roman_legion is Offline
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Default Help !!!!! I literally get stuck on the game.... - 10-07-2002, 01:29 AM

Hi all,

I recently reinstalled MOHAA, and I have a serious "freak out " situation... my DSL works great with my three home comps hooked up to the linksys dsl/cable router.... my kids computer never "stalls" computer just gone "kaputs".... Here is my problem, I can play for about ten minutes...any map... all of sudden I get a small green square icon at the bottom (looks like a picture of disconnection of a cable) and my game stalls... I cannot shoot, move, just view just comes in and it has really lagged out...but I check and I have good ping 50 or less...I have changed network cards...change slots...reinstalled drivers..etc...
Any suggestions? will appreciate it...


System :
Athlon 1.5ghz
328 SDram
40 GB Hard drive 7200rpm
Radeon 8500LE
Audigy Sound Card
400 Watt ps
40x Lite-On
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