Thread: See ya in a few
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See ya in a few
Dodd is Offline
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Default See ya in a few - 10-07-2002, 09:36 AM

Hey fellas!

Looks like I'm heading off to Portugal real soon. ( in a couple hours i leave to the airport) My father was involved in a car accident friday. He's doing better now, fyi. Me and my sister have to go back there to take care of him when he gets out of the hospital and run the grocery store. Doctor said it will take a couple months at least till he can put weight on his feet. So, I have no idea when I'm coming back to the states.

Hopefully my dad will heal fast ( knowing him and his stubborness, he'll try to walk in a couple weeks and do more damage) and we can get back real soon. Good God... no internet access, one channel on the boob tube which opens at noon and closes at 9 pm. think im going to get crazy there man.

So, catch you guys soon, I hope! :/

edit: Got to go get me a gba somewhere man. and get like 4 games! be back in a few.
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