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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,318
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 10-07-2002, 04:02 PM

[quote="=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c":ac776]Well i dont just run around the corner and shoot like a craized maniac if no ones there. Wat i do is just lean and peek around the corner so only my head and my gun shows and i have a clean shot. biggrin: Kinda sneaky but it works rather well. Its better than saying hey im gonna walk past you and pretend your not their ok. Or just running around the corner shootin when theres nobody there. Well they can be good strategies. But i like the lean corner technique biggrin:[/quote:ac776]

I use both of those strtegies, depending on if there is realism or not. I will hardly ever fire my weapon on realism, because it gives you away and you become a dead man.
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